How to Stay Motivated and Maintain a Fitness Routine

The current pandemic has changed how we exercise in this unprecedented time of social distancing, shelters-in-place, and quarantines. Before I share my five tips on how to stay motivated and maintain a fitness routine, I want to express gratitude to all of you doing your part to stay home as well as all of those keeping us healthy, from medical personnel and caregivers to grocery workers, delivery services, manufacturers and more - THANK YOU!

Stick to a schedule
Set times for when you will exercise. I try to incorporate my fitness breaks in the morning before starting work and in the early evening after my last meeting. I will even add those times to my calendar for accountability. If possible, experiment with exercising in a different area than where you work or sleep and setting a fitness vibe with music and lighting.

Create your virtual community
Ask friends who you normally train with to join you for an online workout (collection of 50+ options). My wife recently did a virtual dance class on Zoom with a few of her friends and 400+ other people! Take a chance on one of the many live workouts or virtual challenges on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Strava to feel part of a community.

Mix it up
One way to lose motivation is by doing the same thing. I am varying my workouts from running solo outside and strength training at home to doing a virtual bike ride on Zwift and live-streaming a class. Apps such as Aaptiv and Nike Run Club can provide audio coaching and specific running workouts. You can also be creative with equipment: try using towels as resistance bands and dogs or toddlers (very carefully!) as weights.

Adjust your goals
While there are no imminent races on the calendar, explore how you can change your plan and keep the routine. This may involve reducing your training load and setting new goals such as streaks, time trials, or personal records in something new such as planks or my favorite, push-ups.

Be kind to yourself and others
Recognize that you will not be able to do everything, and that's ok! While we may have the time and ability to train outside, others impacted by the current situation may not. If you are running outside, avoid locations that appear crowded. Be mindful of your surroundings and take extra caution to keep a safe distance from others, at least until we invent hats with laser beams that project 6 foot circles around us!
